
opt out of medicare

  the best health insurance I just realised i had not written a note about my gall bladder operation. i wrote about it in my timeline so am gathering it here. the most important thing i learned was how the healthcare insurance works now. Just wanted to share this with you. My gall bladder operation was in a new hospital. Attended by crack staff. I felt like I was being attended to by nascar pit crew. First rate all the way. It was 12 hours from the time I called ambulance until I arrived back home. Total BILL, including ambulance, prescriptions and follow up visits was $29,617.32 My total out of pocket was $331.85 which included EVERYTHING from ambulance to drugs and follow up visits. i paid for the drugs out of pocket because i don't have part D. if i had medicare it would have paid approx $12K leaving me on the hook for $17K. You don't have to use healthcare exchange. It's a ripoff. USE PRIVATE INSURANCE !  I have humana. It costs $104.90 mo. automatic withdrawn from my S